

Volunteer Information

Want to sign up?  Click here:  SignUpGenius Volunteers

We love our volunteers! You help to make our consignment sale such a success year after year. We like to make sure that you feel special as well. Here are the requirements for shopping early on Thursday, March 14:

5:00pm – 8:00pmVolunteer Pre-SaleVolunteer
6:30pm – 8:00pmConsignor Pre-SaleConsignor
6:30pm – 8:00pmEarly Shopping$20 at door

Here are some things our volunteers do:

– Hang clothes on racks according to size and gender during drop off and sale set up
– Bring items from the drop off area to the sales floor
– Re-hang clothes that get away from their racks during the sale
– Take tags off of sold items during the sale
– Sort unsold items by consignor number after the sale
– Take down racks and put away tables; push a broom after the sale

Gift Cards – Can’t help out in person?  We use Office Depot Gift Cards to purchase supplies for the sale and Target Gift Cards to purchase meals and snacks for our volunteers. Email consign@trinitychurchgso.org for details.